Access, Transfer and Progression - Adult Courses

Access, Transfer and Progression – Adult Courses


Admission Criteria:

Our admission process is designed to be inclusive and transparent, adhering to clear criteria for both junior and adult learners, ensuring equal opportunities for all applicants. Information about our programmes and admission procedures is communicated clearly and made readily available to prospective learners, ensuring transparency and accessibility.

  • Information on our courses is available on our website and also from our enrolments team.
  • Students/Parents/Guardians or Group Organisers can apply on line through our booking system or group enquiry form
  • We also welcome direct enquiries and contact by email or phone or in person at our school in Malahide
  • We provide comprehensive information pre booking including brochures, booking forms and additional information.

Support for Diverse Learners:

We are committed to providing reasonable accommodations and support services to learners and will evaluate on a case-by-case basis what additional needs we can support within our programmes. Our medical conditions and additional needs policy is available to view on our website in QA Manual by all stakeholders.   



Internal Transfer:

Learners may request internal transfers between courses or levels, subject to availability and the learner’s demonstrated ability.

External Transfer:

Requests from learners joining us from other language schools or institutions will be considered case-by-case, considering previous language proficiency and course content covered.

Transfer Procedures:

Learners who wish to transfer to another programme or level, can communicate this to their teacher or admissions/reception. The Academic Manager will discuss the move with their teacher with regard to their academic suitability for such a move and with operations regarding spaces and make a decision which they will communicate to the student along with their reasoning.



Academic Progression:

We support learners’ academic progression based on successful completion of course objectives aligned with the CEFR.

Progression Procedures:

  • Regular assessments and feedback will track learner progress as aligned with the CEFR and when a teacher deemed a student is ready to move to the next level, this will be communicated to them and a plan put in place.
  • Pathway posters regarding progression are on students notice boards and in some handbooks.
  • Upon course completion, learners receive a proficiency certificate and an individual report tracking their progress with regard to ‘can do’ descriptors on the CEFR.

Course Programmes’ Purpose and Intended Learning Outcomes are outlined for each course programme.